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The Unbroken Covenant 

The most sacred covenant is the covenant between God and human beings

Generations come and generations go...

God is always watching and is searching for those who will turn their eyes on Him

to enter the eternal covenant with Him...


People try to love each other with their mortal love

They promise each other to love with their own strength

Just to find out that they cannot rely on their own power


Only when people become one with His or Her Creator,

that they will gain a tremendous strength to overcome any difficulties


When a man and a woman vowed to each other

Would it be last forever?

Or would it be just another broken promises?

Or would it be a temporary promises that get fulfilled only on this earth? 


What is true love?

What is the real covenant in life? 


It is only through loving the Lord as One and Only One

that one can enter the unbroken covenant

because He has given us His unconditional love

He has given us His Spirit of Truth

to discern what is right and wrong


He has given us the command to:

grow, be fruitful, and conquer the earth

This command cannot be done only with human's strength 

For one can only cooperate with His Creator to fulfil the vision that

The Divine being gives to them


When God sacrifice His One and Only Son: Jesus Christ

His heart was bleeding as He has to let Christ suffered for the sins of this world

Yet, through Christ's sacrifice, many lives are saved


The crucifixion that was considered a humiliation in people's eyes

become the symbol of victory 


God can turn the worst situation into glory 

If it is done with a sincere heart of fulfilling the Heavens' will 

The mystery of God's will is complicated and yet it is so simple

The love of God is free and yet it is so expensive

For not everyone is willing to sell everything that he has to earn what is eternal 

That is why salvation is free but it is not easy to gain 

People try to find true love in another human being

Yet, they should have realised that the real true love is in God's Divine's Love

For, there is nothing that can break the covenant between God and His people 


He is the One who declares: I AM

He is the Lord and we are His people

Once we learn the truth of His love

and understand the depth of His heart

nothing else on earth that is worth to keep 


As long as one can gain and enter the eternal unbroken covenant

of God and Holy Spirit through the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ

The mystery of the love of the Holy Trinity has been completed 

as GOD separated His very own divine nature in Christ's cross 

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that 

whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16)

"Eloi...Eloi...Lema Sabacthane.." (Mark 15:34)

"My Lord...My Lord...Why do You forsaken me?" 

Jesus' last prayer before He gave up His life on the cross

God's heart was bleeding for Christ and for the world 

Yet, Satan no longer has power ever since Christ gained His final victory over death

He becomes the way, the truth, and the light forever through His resurrection

The Unbroken Covenant of God is: 

"A never ending love story of the Perfect Creator loving His imperfect creations". 

Thanks be to the Holy Trinity for inspiring me

to write this poem when my heart was in a great anguished

facing my first broken-relationship with my then boyfriend, now husband,

Kenneth K.Y. Poon back in March 11, 2011. 

The Lord gives him to be my husband today and I am forever thankful for it

I am also thankful for the tremendous hardship that I experienced back then, 

which made me realise about the depth of Christ's love for humanity,

Ailin Iwan Poon, Ph.D. 

The poem was revised in July 5, 2012 and in August 6, 2017

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