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Living by the Grace of GOD
Day by day, we live our lives
That fills with spectrum of colours:
laughter, joy, tears, struggles, and challenges
How often that we look to the Creator's face
and ask Him for the Heavenly silence,
unanswered prayers, and reasons for life's difficulties?
Only to find that our Beloved Lord always work in secret &
in His heavenly timing.
What is eternity in comparison to our limited mortal life?
We cannot even understand the grasp of God's brilliant thought
using our limited intelligence.
So we ask again, what is the purpose of our lives and
what is the reason for our suffering?
Only to find that our Lord looks at us with a smile and a loving face
while saying:
My child My grace is sufficient for you
As My thought is not your thought and
As My plan is not your plan
For while we are seeking a comfortable life
The Lord God gives us one challenge after another
To train us to become more and more into His likeness
For Christ comes to serve and not to be served
To bear the cross of the sinful world
To live a humble and a difficult path of life
That is ultimately to led others to a glorious glory of
purchasing our salvations from death
How about us who claim to be His followers?
Are we ready to bear our own cross?
To wash other people's feet?
To love our enemies?
To thank God for life's difficulties?
And to finally understand that to be mature in Christ's character
it is to always remember that God is already giving us enough love and grace
Through sending His One and Only Son
It is our responsibility to be faithful in facing any difficulties
With Faith, Hope, Love, and Thanksgiving
Lord, thank you for the challenges and difficulties
For we know that the process of growing up
is never been easy, but the eternal reward from You shall help us
to continue this journey of faith
Until we return to Your Eternal Kingdom
Thanks be to the Holy Spirit for
the divine inspiration to write
a poem that I shall need it to cheer-up
my self during tough time,
Ailin Iwan
December 25, 2011
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