From Garden of Eden to The City of Zion
God puts all of us in our own Garden of Eden
It is truly our responsibilities to care for our Garden of Eden
Should we take care of it or should we destroy it?
Shouldn’t we love our own garden of Eden?
Don’t even spend a second to talk to the serpent
Who puts doubt into our hearts of God’s perfect will for us
God’s only want to bless us and give us bright future
He gives us responsibilities to care for the place where He locates us
The Kingdom of God is here and now
The Kingdom of God is on Earth as much as it is in Heavens
Shouldn’t we take care and love His creations?
Shouldn’t we be thankful for His grace and provisions?
While the first Adam failed
Jesus Christ, the second Adam succeed
While the first Adam was banished from Garden of Eden
The Second Adam, Jesus Christ, was given the key to enter back to Garden of Eden
God is the Chief Architect of Zion, His Holy City
The foundation of that city is Faith
The key to enter that city is His Son, Jesus Christ
As He is the One who has transformed the curse to blessings
For those who live under the leadership of our Shepherd King, Jesus Christ
Let us take care our own Garden of Eden
Let us be thankful for what we have
Let us be responsible to our calling, tasks, and responsibilities to live, love, and pray
Finally, let us set our heart and mind to Jesus Christ who shall take us to Zion: His Holy City
Thank you Lord for inspiring me to take care
the place that You give to me
to love and nurture its people
I shall do it whole-heartedly,
Angelina Martha Ailin Iwan Poon
(August 24, 2019)