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Missions and Visions: 


"Studying the Bible is not for head-knowledge and being a Christian is not for a self-righteous perception. Through Spirit-Shines Ministry, we would like to share God's love while acknowledging His divinity and developing a relationship with the Lord through learning and practicing His teaching by loving one-self and others.


We firmly believe that God wants us to have faith but not a blind faith; He wants us to obey not out of fear and therefore He gives us intellect, will, heart, emotion, mind to reason, communicate, and to understand Him. God creates human beings to reflect His divine nature, to be loved, and to willingly love Him back."


We hope that our ministry can become blessings to provide resources and inspire people to develop their relationship with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, in whom our salvations were purchased through His sacrificial love on the cross.  


Our Goals: 

* Share the gospel of Jesus Christ through various ways 

* Expand God's Kingdom to the end of this earth 

* Love others the way Jesus loves us 

* Testify God's amazing miracles, generosity, and love 

* Become blessings for our neighbours, communities, cities,

   and the world.  


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